Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's Weather Report from Pennsylvania

OMG!!!  Today's weather is magical: 87 degrees, blindingly sunny and azure-blue sky. I just looked out the window at the most beautiful sight in the courtyard behind the library.  I saw two unicorns grazing on the beautiful butterfly bushes.  Too bad Judie missed this amazing sight.  I even got two wishes from the unicorns;I will be leaving for the French Riveria on Saturday!! Au revoir, Judie

1 comment:

  1. Sunny and beautiful here again today, not like the dream world you are apparently living in!! This is for real. Today we are having a massage and facial to relax us before dinner. I think we are extending our vacation for another week, maybe you can fatten up my replacement by then and get some meat on her bones!! Do you think Lisa can hold down the fort at home for a little while longer...
