Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mystery Blogger #3

oh my, are you missing it...the main office was so full with drama this morning of all kinds....there is no need for reality television here. I walked in and saw the new library assistant at your desk-very tan so I guess she went to Mexico before you did. I hope that your weather is as great as ours...sunny all day and breezy wonderful nights here. I heard that the girls went out in your honor and had some new beverages that were so yummy. Too bad you missed it. The trip to the shore will be based on school attendance so you may not get to go. Oh Well. you decided to go to Mexico without are gettin that tan for nothin girl! Love you and miss you. Hope you are having know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I didnt know that our trip to the beach was based on attendance. Cant we please base it on who is the tannest.
